Dirigibles of Doom!Players
2 - 4
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Card Play Conflict Resolution

Dirigibles of Doom!

Dirigibles of Doom is a beer'n'pretzels type game that allows players to duel it out ... very slowly ... in the skies! The game takes a little planning as both momentum and latency of response are key parts of the mechanic. Too aggressive and a midair collision will wipe out you and your enemy. Too conservative and you are a sitting duck. Blimp. Whatever.

These book contains:

Six pages of rules, resplendent with diagrams
Seven scenarios for head to head, multiplayer, and tournament play
Simple snip-n-flip models for blimps, überblimps, hot air baloons and a dragon ... aw, man, how did That get in there?
Terrain flats, so you can have citites to destroy with your dirigibles
Maneuver cards, formatted to print right out on a standard 10 business card sheet
Suggestions for in-game onomatopoeia!