2 - 6Play Time
50 minutes
- Auction/Bidding
- Roll / Spin and Move
Sports Dynasty
In this mechanically simple game, each player is the owner of four sports teams (baseball, American football, hockey, and basketball).
Each player starts with money, and cards representing (generic) "superstars" in the four sports. As players move around the board, they pay payrolls, collect gate receipts, and can get new "superstars" from the bank, through auction, or by acquiring them from other players.
Certain board spaces (or a roll of doubles) trigger a "championship" round in the currently-active sports season. Championships are resolved by each player rolling as many dice as they have "superstars" in the currently-active sport (which of course also moves the game into the next "season"). The championship victor gets a 2-D plastic trophy, and a monetary bonus.
The winner is the first to win 3 championships in any one sport, or 2 championships in each of 2 sports.