Assault on Galactus Prime Expansion Kit 1: The Empire Shoots BackPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
  • Open Drafting

Assault on Galactus Prime Expansion Kit 1: The Empire Shoots Back

As the Empire stood and witnessed the surprise assault on their beloved Galactus Prime, they plotted revenge. Now, they're rebuilding and retaliating in full force! The first expansion for Tom Decker's Assault on Galactus Prime, The Empire Shoots Back, broadens your options and promotes wilder gameplay in this deck-building, push-your-luck game. Now it's time for you to fight back before it's too late!

Note, the Assault on Galactus Prime Expansion Kit 1: The Empire Shoots Back is not a ‘stand alone’ game. You must own a copy of Assault on Galactus Prime to use this expansion kit.

Game Data:

Complexity: 3 on a 9 scale
Solitaire Suitability: 1 on a 9 scale
Scale: Each unit is a pilot or an assault craft battling at the capital of Galactus Prime.

Game Components:

• One 2-page full color Rules booklet
• 40 units and markers
• 20 Deck cards
• One Pilot Worlds mat extension