Brain StrainPlayers
2 - 16
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Open Drafting
  • Team-Based Game

Brain Strain

Players compete as teams (of one, if necessary...) to move a single counter to the other side of the board. The counter starts on the middle intersection of the grid marked on the board.
An attempted move of the counter is made by a team by placing it in the middle of one of the squares to ahead of the intersection where the counter is at that point. At the end of that row is a card, with an 'IQ-test' type question on it. If the question is answered correctly within the allowed time, then the counter makes its way to the diagonally opposite intersection.
As more questions are answered, so the counter zig-zags its way across the board, until one team manages to answer the question which pushes it off the end.
Failed questions can be re-attempted, and successful ones are replaced.