Fish FoodPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Dice Rolling

Fish Food

Two groups of fish battle for supremacy.

Each player starts with a set of sixteen fish (two each of eight different kinds) which square off on an 8x8 grid or chess board. Each turn a player rolls two dice and moves up to two fish the distance shown on a die.

The fish are rated with Force values ranging from 0 to 7. A fish with a higher Force value can eat a fish with a lower Force value by landing on it. However, two weaker fish can be positioned to eliminate a stronger fish when their combined Force totals are equal to or greater than that of the larger fish.

The three weakest fish have special abilities – the Flying Fish can jump over other fish, the Minnow can use both die rolls in one turn, and the Puffer cannot be eaten.

The winner is the player who eliminates all opposing edible fish or who occupies all four center spaces of the board at the end of the opponent’s turn.