Cadwallon: City of ThievesPlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
45 minutes
  • Action Points
  • Area Movement
  • Dice Rolling
  • Pick-up and Deliver
  • Variable Player Powers

Cadwallon: City of Thieves

Get rich or die trying.

It's more than a motto for the thieves of Cadwallon: it's their way of life. You have joined the ranks of the infamous Guild of Thieves, seeking your own path to wealth and glory. Your tiny gang has been chosen to relieve the fat merchants of the city from a portion of their, ahem, "excess" wealth. But there are many factions within the Guild, and yours is not the only band working in the district tonight! In fact, your greatest challenge may not be the militiamen who guard the streets...

Cadwallon: City of Thieves is a fast-paced board game of cunning thievery and ruthless skulduggery in a fantasy city steeped in magic and intrigue. Two to four players each control their own gang of four thieves, competing to amass the greatest haul of loot from the many carefully locked chests scattered about the board. This is no friendly competition, however, and there is little loyalty among thieves in Cadwallon! The most successful players are as likely to claim their loot from the other gangs as they are to do the time-consuming legwork themselves...

Get ready for a deviously fun battle for treasure! Good fortune in the Guild of Thieves is a double-edged sword that cuts to the bone; other thieves will want your loot, and they have no qualms about drawing your blood to get it. The result is a fast and furious brawl for control of the best treasures in the city. Precious jewels change hands rapidly, and you'll quickly find yourself positioning your gang to not only grab the loot, but defend it desperately.