Monopoly: The Australian Here & Now ElectronicPlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Player Elimination
  • Roll / Spin and Move
  • Set Collection
  • Trading

Monopoly: The Australian Here & Now Electronic

From the box:
What would Monopoly be like if it were invented today?
What would the outcome be if YOU chose which regions from around Australia were on the board...?
This special electronic edition of Australian Monopoly, celebrates the local version of the world's most popular board game in Australia with a modern twist!
Choose from a range of new movers including a mobile phone, a ute or even a pair of thongs!
The rent and the houses/hotels have rocketed sky high in this new game. Wheel and deal Australian style in the fast lane - in millions of dollars, not just hundreds!