Flower PitPlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
20 minutes
  • Tile Placement

Flower Pit

Flower Pit is a game for 2-4 players in which each player tries to earn the most points.

The game uses a stack of "seed" cards and "flower cards". Each square card shows a 2x2 grid of colored fields, with some of the cards having holes cut into the fields. Seed cards have the smallest size holes, and flower cards have larger holes is various shapes.

On their turn, a player chooses either a face up seed or flower card and places it on a communal field following various rules. If the player places a seed card, they'll earn points based upon contiguous groupings of a single color; if they've placed a flower card, they'll earn points based upon the number of levels to the flower.

Play continues until all seed and flower cards have been placed. Each player then reveals and scores a hidden "lucky" card, which will earn that player points for a certain color of field. The player with the most points wins.