Fantasy DelightPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Finale Ending
  • Role Playing
  • Roll / Spin and Move

Fantasy Delight

Two consenting adult players will compete to be the first to enter the Danger Zone... err... make that "the Delight Zone" at the center of the game board, where the roll of a dice will determine which of 11 scenarios will be enacted (with the winner in charge of the ensuing role-played action). Costumes are optional but highly recommended per the scenario booklet. Especially if you get the alien encounter scenario.

Along the way to the center, various diverting tasks must be performed as you roll the dice and land on squares that give you things to do, including a moment where you stop and "select a new first and last name" to use later during role play. I suggest using "Richard Nixon", but mileage may vary.

Bonus points - this adult board game for partners includes some screamingly bad/unintentionally funny artwork, but clearly was a labor of someone's love. Good luck finding a copy (or wanting to)!