Challenge of MonthuPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Area Movement
  • Enclosure

Challenge of Monthu

An abstract strategy game for 2 players. It is played using a wooden board, marked into 64 squares, and 12 'ancient' looking coins, 6 silver and 6 gold. Five of each set of coins show a Wheel on one side and a Foot on the other, and the sixth coin has a Flag on both sides. There is also a small metal die.

Each player begins the game with his 6 pieces positioned on opposite corners of the board. On the throw of the die a player may move up to 3 pieces corresponding to the number shown. A Flag, a Wheel and a Foot move differently on the board. If a Foot stops on the centre square it is turned over to become a Wheel. Specific movement rules come into play when a confrontation occurs. For example, a Foot piece must be removed from the game if it is confronted by two opposing Foot pieces.

The game may be won in 3 ways:
a) by surrounding your opponent's Flag with any 3 pieces;
b) by removing all of your opponent's pieces from the game; or
c) by capturing your opponent's undefended Flag with your Foot.

The components are good quality - 'ancient' playing pieces, a burgundy and gold wooden board, a velvet draw-string bag for the coins.

Designed and produced in Australia. This is obviously a quality, small production but unfortunately the rules aren't available anywhere on the internet and the publisher's website no longer exists.