En tu casa o donde seaPlayers
4 - 7
Play Time
50 minutes
  • Hand Management
  • Role Playing
  • Take That

En tu casa o donde sea

From the publisher (translated):
You have the power! Look the candidates, their characteristics and pecualiarities, choose who more interest you and await the revenge of the unchosen!
Win over, offer your better virtues, reveal the defects of your opponents and expect to be choosed. If nobody choses you... Take revenge!

En tu casa o donde sea ("Your place or anywhere") is a party game from 4 to 7 players, for adults, with a duration between 30 and 50 minutes. It is a game of sex and pleasure... with cards. Nobody takes their pants off!

User Summary:
How to play: The active player has to use a card of place and the other players (candidates) will use a card of position or vice versa. The canditates will offer to the active player cards with positive points like, chocolat, whip, kisses... at the same time, they will be able throw cards with negative points to the other candidates like, bad smell, plumer's crack... These cards have a marks (1, 2, -1, -2) that the active player will win or lose on the board if they decide to "make" the love to someone.
When the players "make love" they will get cards of pleasure with positive points, unless somebody throws a card to ruin their relationship. In that case nobody will get points of pleasure and the next player will be the active player.
The player with the most points (after three rounds), after adding card points and board points, will be the winner.

From the publisher (Spanish):
¡Tú tienes el poder! Observa a tus pretendientes, sus rasgos y peculiaridades, escoge al que más te interese y prepárate para la posible venganza de los no elegidos.
Conquista, ofrece tus mejores cualidades, destapa los defectos de tus contrincantes y espera a ser el elegido. Si no lo eres... ¡véngate!
"En tu casa o donde sea" es un party game de 4 a 7 jugadores, para mayores de 18 años con una duración de 30 a 50 minutos. En él, los jugadores, exentos de género, buscarán tener sexo y placer... mediante cartas. ¡Qué nadie se baje los pantalones!