Clash of the PrincesPlayers
0 - 0
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Cooperative Game
  • Dice Rolling
  • Paper-and-Pencil
  • Variable Player Powers

Clash of the Princes

Publisher Blurb:

At last - a thrilling TWO-PLAYER, two-book Fighting Fantasy adventure!*

The perilous Trial of Kingship awaits you! In the golden city of Gundobad, you are twin princes - one Warrior-Prince and one a Warlock-Prince - each with your own particular skills and strengths. It is time for one of you to succeed to the throne, and you must face the Trial of Kingship. But only one of you can win through. Which brother will it be?

Beware! Vile monsters and deadly dangers lie in wait. Two dice, a pencil, an eraser - and a friend! - are all you need.

Each book can also be played solo!

Set contains:
Clash of the Princes - The Warlock's Way
Clash of the Princes - The Warrior's Way