2 - 6Play Time
0 minutes
… SEVENEL is the future! SEVENEL has all those multiple choice questions everyone prefers. SEVENEL has no dice and we offer each player the opportunity to "Jump-In" on other people's questions. In addition, SEVENEL has more strategy than we can possibly explain. Using 7 different playing surfaces we have eliminated that dizzy feeling as well as "board boredom". Finally, if you do fall asleep, your opponents will be thrilled because they will surely benefit!
These are a few of the advantages the future holds for you with SEVENEL. We want you to experience the challenges we have discovered while playing the most versatile game of our time. And, there is no right or wrong way to play SEVENEL - you create your own version each time you play.
As you see, the history of trivia games promises to be much better as . . .
"night after night
we play into the future!"
—description from the publisher