Destined LegendsPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Area Movement
  • Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
  • Dice Rolling
  • Role Playing
  • Variable Player Powers

Destined Legends

Destined Legends features all of your favorite RPG elements in a fun and strategic card game. In Destined legends, you take on the role of heroes better known as Legends. These Legends are entrusted by the Dragon Guardians of the elements to guide humanity throughout the ages, and to protect them from the evils of the world.

Destined Legends features a fresh take on the table-top card game by putting you in control of 3 heroes, or Legends. You spend the game leveling up your party of Legends. As you level you acquire new items and equipment, all in a effort to gain a strategic advantage against your opponent. Your goal is defeat your opponent before they defeat you.

Destined Legends features all original artwork from renound artists Scott Ferguson and Cari Corene. Scott is responsible for some of the best webcomics on the web including Nerf This and Scout Crossing. Cari is a super-talented painter, responsible for such visual treasures such as Story of the Door.