Arch VillainPlayers
2 - 5
Play Time
90 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Open Drafting
  • Push Your Luck
  • Variable Player Powers
  • Worker Placement

Arch Villain

Arch Villain is a push-your-luck game where you are trying to build your super hero and as you do the villain gets stronger and is trying to knock you out of the round. The game is played in 5 rounds in which each player is dealing with the same villain. Each player must either arrest the villain, leave the conflict to protect citizens, or get defeated.

Players place power cards, talent cards, health tokens, die tokens, energy tokens, and weapon cards in a drafting area of the board. Players can then either draft each round (which includes buying weapons, buying powers, and buying talents with energy tokens) or attempt to arrest the villain.

When a player arrests the villain, he gets a bonus power, contact, or other token or card choice--the first player to arrest the villain gets first pick.

Each round has a new, stronger villain. If a player is defeated, he leaves the round and gets a consolation prize of health and energy to help with the next round.

Victory points are gained as the arrest takes place and bonus points are part of the options for victorious heroes. The player with the most points at the end of 5 rounds is the winner.

-description from designer