Lobster and TurtlePlayers
2 - 10
Play Time
10 minutes
  • Push Your Luck

Lobster and Turtle

Lobster and Turtle is a simple game with two custom d6 dice. One die represents the "lobster" and replaces the single pip face with an image of a lobster. The other represents the "turtle" and replaces the single pip face with an image of a turtle.

This is a straightforward press your luck game. On your turn, you roll the two dice, note the point total, and you have the option to roll both dice again to attempt to add more points to your turn's total. You can choose to stop after any roll and add your points to the turn to your overall game's total. However, if you roll a "lobster" or a "turtle," you lose all points for the turn and your turn ends. One final twist: if you roll both a "lobster" and a "turtle," you immediately add 50 points to your turn's score, you add your turn's score to your overall total, and your turn immediately ends. The first player to 200 points is the winnter.