From rags to richesPlayers
4 - 12
Play Time
40 minutes
  • Acting
  • Open Drafting

From rags to riches

From publisher:

From Rags to Riches (Make carrier in a fairy-tale world!) is a role game based on a comical medieval world. The players occupy varying social levels from servants all the way up to the King. Each player tries to make the best carrier possible. The game process copies that of the Russian card game Durak (or “Fool”, but the fun lies in players acting out their roles and interacting with other players.

Players have their own rights and duties that they must perform. For example: the Janitor collects the cards that were beaten, the Hangman punishes those who have wronged, and the King gives orders. If players don’t complete their gaming duties, then they can be punished by having to do certain unpleasant tasks. On top of that, the game contains a certain mode of conduct which, if broken, can cause even the King to become a simple servant.

The expanded version of the game also includes social order cards, the King’s Charity cards and the ability to chronicle each player’s gaming achievements. A number of blank cards also allow players to devise their own characters.