A Coat of SteelPlayers
2 - 0
Play Time
0 minutes

A Coat of Steel

Miniatures rules unlike anything you've seen before
We don't think that's an idle boast, and we don't make it lightly... these rules have been in the making for almost ten years. We've poured our hearts and souls into them! The graphics alone should give you pause, while looking at the individual Noble cards should give you a hint as to how much historical research when into them.

Just as important, the systems in this game are chock full of novel systems and historical flavour without being bogged down with minute details that halt the flow of play. You always know where you are and how you got there, the trick being to get yourself out of the jam you just got yourself into!

Each hand-to-hand encounter with the enemy is like a little game of its own. Both sides get six cards with different tactics you can employ- lead with your Nobles, call for a supreme effort (dangerous if the men aren't up to it) thrust and poke at them to keep your casualties low, gather into a tight-knit unit around the standards to make it hard for them to break in amongst you, or go all-out with daggers drawn for maximum execution. Each card has its strengths and weaknesses you will used based on the troops and nobles engaged and even inhow the battle is going in other wards. Delay or try to end it quickly? Go for casualties or go for the leaders?

Descriptions from games website