2 - 8
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Pattern Recognition


Blankity-Blank! is a word game that will appeal to anyone who likes Scrabble, Boggle, Scattergories, and other word games. It's a family game designed for 2 to 6 players ages 12 and older.

To begin a round of Blankity-Blank!, you take a card from the box and let all the players see it. On the front of the card is an incomplete word with some letters left blank; for example, P--N-. You and every other player have three minutes to write down all the words you can think of that would complete that pattern, like phone or piano or plant or prank. When time is up you all read your lists aloud and cross out any word that more than one person wrote; you score points only for words that you alone thought of.

The front of the card indicates whether this is a 1-point, 2-point, or 3-point round, according to how many potential matches there are for this pattern. 1-point cards have dozens of possible solutions, 2-pointers not so many, and 3-point cards have the fewest of all. So you score 1, 2, or 3 points for each unique word in your list. (P--N- would be a 2-point card.)

When you've recorded the scores for this round, you may look at the back of the card. It shows a list of the most common words that would be correct solutions, so players can see some of the words no one thought of.

You continue to play with another card and another until one player has scored enough points to win. This can be 25 points, or 50, or any number the group agrees to.

The game includes over 500 cards, a pad of answer sheets, and a timer.