The Official Von Erich Family World Class Championship Wrestling GamePlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Simulation

The Official Von Erich Family World Class Championship Wrestling Game

The Official VON ERICH FAMILY World Class Championship Wrestling Game is a fast paced exciting game where the players seek victory by pinning the opponent after having weakened him through various holds, blows and take downs. You play cards that reduce your opponent's endurance while at the same time move your wrestler playing pieces on the game board to gain the greatest advantage of the ropes and turnbuckles. This movement becomes critical in Tag Team matches. Once your opponent's endurance is reduced you may attempt a pin. Your opponent can try to break the pin once for each count, if he doesn't you've won, proving you have what it takes to be a VON ERICH FAMILY World Class Champion!

COMPONENTS: The game comes with everything needed for play: a pair of dice, a gameboard, a scoreboard with four sets of scoring pegs, a deck of action cards, eight wrestler cards describing the abilities of the eight wrestlers, eight matching wrestler playing pieces with four plastic stands and a complete, easy to understand set of rules.