Music #1Players
2 - 4
Play Time
40 minutes
  • Roll / Spin and Move

Music #1

Listed in American Games #4163. 1984, Music, Board Game.

A roll-and-move game in which players try to complete an 8-bar staff and song title by collecting notes and words. While there is education value in teaching recognition of music notation and theory, the game's mechanics have little to do with music.

From the Manufacturer's instructions:
"No musical knowledge required. Just read, count, and roll dice."

"A game of chance by rolling the dice. Each player will encircle board several times in one game. Player keeps moving his token around the board the number of spaces indicated by the total sum of the two dice. Each space landed upon and each card drawn directs the movements of teh player. No one is safe even in his own play area. He must follow directions of space landings. There is no blocking, no bumping players off spaces and no back obligations. First player to fill his staff with notes and complete a song title is the winner. It can be very frustrating at times with continual gains and losses; such as real composers go through as they create a song. A player who has the least notes or words during the game can be the winner at the last minute though it appears he is losing."

"Object of Game: A player must fill his 8 BAR STAFF with 4 beats to each measure containing the right amount of notes and complete a SONG TITLE of four words or more which say something."

"EQUIPMENT: Board with indicated play spaces, four 8 bar staffs, four tokens to represent each composer, two dice, 500 words, 50 whole notes (clear discs) 50 half notes (white discs) 75 quarter notes (black discs) and 75 Directional cards."