Game of a Dash for the North PolePlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
15 minutes
  • Race
  • Roll / Spin and Move

Game of a Dash for the North Pole

This McLoughlin Brothers game comes from 1909.

The Object of the game is to see which player can first reach the North Pole and get home safely.

Each player using his/her colored marker must use that colored space indicator and must obey any directions on places he lands on.

Eventually players will reach a gold spot where all colored roads meet, this does not have to be by exact count. Once reaching that space players may use squares for the remainder of their attempt once again following any directions with an objective of landing on the square marked "North Pole"

Once there, any route can be used to return. If you land on another player piece that piece must be moved back 3 spaces or if that space is occupied to the next available vacant space.