Meeples to the MothershipPlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
45 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Grid Movement

Meeples to the Mothership

Moments after being sent to the surface, your team of meeple scientists have confirmed the worst - Planet Hex is collapsing! Now you must race to save your squad and get your meeples to the mothership!

Meeples to the Mothership is a light, fast-paced game for 2-6 players. Each player controls six meeples in need of rescue, and three on-the-board dice with which to rescue them. A communal dice pool provides players with a multitude of possible actions on each turn early in the game. But, as you start taking the lead and your pieces come off of the board, you are simultaneously making the game harder for yourself and easier for your opponents!