Wolf im SchafspelzPlayers
2 - 8
Play Time
15 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Pattern Recognition

Wolf im Schafspelz

Wolf im Schafspelz is a fast-paced dice game in which you must quickly evaluate the roll of the dice and toss the right card in the right box. The faster you are, the more points you score – assuming you're correct, of course.

In the basic game, each player holds a wool card and the two halves of the box are laid face-up on the table, one showing a sheep in the bottom and the other a wolf. Players roll five or seven animal dice, depending on the number of players, then they try to scan the dice quickly to see which animal group – the sheep or wolves – are in the majority so that they can through their wool card in that box. Players who do so score 0-3 chips, depending on the number of players and how quickly they threw in their card; anyone tossing in the wrong box loses one chip. The first player to collect ten chips wins.

In the advanced game, a spice/wool die is rolled with the animal dice, and players need to throw the appropriate card – spice or wool – into the appropriate box. In the elite game, a blue animal die comes into play. If the blue animal die is part of the sheep/wolf majority, then game play is identical to the advanced game for that round; if not, then players must throw the symbol not showing on the spice/wool die into the right box.

One final variant can be used with all three levels of play: When the sheep are in the majority, those who score in the round receive a sheep chip; when the wolves are ascendant, they receive a wolf chip. The winner is the first player to collect both five sheep chips and five wolf chips.