Micro Play-Break: DuelPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Simultaneous Action Selection

Micro Play-Break: Duel

From the publisher:

In this 2-player game, the Attacker controls the field of play via Momentum, selecting one of three attack types aimed at either the upper or lower section of an opponent's character. Defenders can stop the momentum and become the attacker by successfully predicting the incoming attack and accurately selecting the correct block type and placing it where the attacker's hit would land.

How well can you predict your opponent's actions?

The Story: You are an elite TechnoLectric Warrior helping your Evil Warlord in his quest for world domination. During your standard mission of Seek and Destroy, you have come across an equally elite warrior in the employ of your Warlord’s enemy.

Both Warriors, equal in weapons and skill, make decisions during battle that will determine who survives.