Dragons of EtchinstonePlayers
1 - 1
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
  • Solo / Solitaire Game

Dragons of Etchinstone

Etchinstone, the last great nation under the wide reaches of Valorfall, is under grave threat of a kind no one saw coming. Four ancient dragons have seized control of pivotal strongholds in every direction--North, South, East and West. It's up to you, the strongest of the rare Ether Mages, to make the perilous quest to each of these strongholds, defeat the dragons, and bring peace back to Etchinstone.

In Dragons of Etchinstone, you, the brave Ether Mage, must work your way through four Regions and a challenging final encounter against one of the four dragons. You'll use your Action cards to manage dangerous Journeys and formidable Enemies. Defeat them, and your reward is XP, which you can use to upgrade your action cards. Defeat or narrow victories against Journeys results in losing time, which may force you to face the dragon before you feel ready. Defeat or narrow victories against Enemies results in taking damage, which forces you to downgrade your Action cards and weakens your power.

—description from the designer