Balancing Pizza GamePlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
10 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Stacking and Balancing

Balancing Pizza Game

This game is reminiscent of Don't Spill the Beans. It's a quick, fun game for kids.

In this game, there are 4 kinds of molded, realistic-looking pizza toppings: tomato slice, mushroom, cheese stick, and pepperoni. There are 8 of each kind.

As well, there is a chef (Poppa, presumably); he balances the pizza on a finger, and his body can also roll on the ground. This makes it extra-interesting to keep him balanced! (For a simpler game, connect the notch in the body to the legs, which prevents rolling.)

On your turn, you roll a special 6-sided die. It will either be one of the 4 toppings, a 'wild' topping (you pick), or a chef.
- If it is the chef, then you don't have to place a piece!
- If a particular topping is not available, then roll again.
- Otherwise, put your topping anywhere on the pizza, including on top of other food, without spilling ANY toppings.

The goal is to NOT spill toppings off the pizza. If you do, you're OUT! Last one left wins.

Ages 3 and up.