FUBAR: The Game of Quarters Will Never be the same!Players
0 - 0
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Command Cards

FUBAR: The Game of Quarters Will Never be the same!

Players create their own rules in a twist on the old drinking game of a similar name.

Quarters are bounced into a wooden box with holes cut in the bottom. In said holes are actions, such as smoking or drinking, earning or losing points, earning a pass to use the bathroom, or drawing a card.

On these cards are a variety of tasks and challenges hearkening to similar drinking and smoking games of the time, as well as cards that allow players to make their own rules, no matter what they may be.

The only real rules to the game set in stone are that the game is about earning points, noting that around 300 is a good number for a round. Beyond that it's up to players to bounce quarters into and around the box onto different spots and try to win!