Dust Tactics: Schwer-Sturmgrenadiere Command Squad – Players
0 - 0
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Action Points
  • Dice Rolling
  • Modular Board

Dust Tactics: Schwer-Sturmgrenadiere Command Squad – "Heavy Kommandotrupp"

Game description from the publisher:

As the battles of Dust Tactics intensify, NCO Command Squads inspire their allies to tremendous feats with their new special abilities. Marching to the front lines in their protective battle suits, the Axis Heavy Kommandotrupp withstand enemy small arms fire as they call in artillery strikes, repair walkers and send them back into battle, or boost soldiers with powerful, untested chemicals. These powerful squads provide clear direction for other troops and offer players tremendous army-building flexibility.

Dust Tactics: "Heavy Kommandotrupp" - Schwer-Sturmgrenadiere Command Squad includes a unit card and three distinct miniatures.