O Castelo de S. JorgePlayers
2 - 6
Play Time
45 minutes
  • Point to Point Movement

O Castelo de S. Jorge

The S. Jorge Castle in the city of Lisbon knew several lords throughout the centuries. It passed from Roman hands to Arabs and finally to Christians. Chief among them were the Vizier Al-Fihrî, D. Afonso Henriques, and King D. Manuel II.

In O Castelo de S. Jorge each player takes the role of a character from the S. Jorge Castle's history. To become the winner and true Lord of the Castle, they vie to obtain Trophies and accrue the highest possible number of victory points.

Each player's turn consists of two phases. In the first you may move your character to another space on the board. In the second, you may take one of two possible actions: collect a Trophy from your character's current location or place a new Trophy somewhere on the board.

The game ends when the time comes to place a new Trophy on the board and none yet remain in the pool. Whoever has the most points at this time is the winner!