Play and Defend BridgePlayers
4 - 4
Play Time
60 minutes
  • Auction/Bidding
  • Team-Based Game
  • Trick-taking

Play and Defend Bridge

Pre-determined Hands are quickly dealt out to the four players. Each hand is given a Goren Bidding and Response Aid which indicates the Dealer and Vulnerability for each hand. These Aids can also be used by the less experienced player as guides in Bidding and Responding. The hands are bid in the normal way. Then bidding can be compared to Goren’s suggested bids as indicated on the back of each player’s aid. The hands are then played according to Goren’s Contract. The cards are kept separated in designated spaces on the Game Sheet so they can be re-played and compared to Goren’s Analysis. Score can be kept to show each partnership’s efforts against the suggested Contract.