Dream DiaryPlayers
3 - 6
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Cooperative Game
  • Deduction
  • Questions and Answers

Dream Diary

A bizarre light brings your party to a parallel universe. You’ve all been turned into the form of special spirits! Now, your party must jump to the correct locations in this uncanny city in order to return home. Each member’s dreams will guide you to escape this world, but nightmares will try to trap you on this journey. It is not easy to communicate here because you can only send out “adjectives” and your team mates will signal back with hand gestures only. Can you find the way to get out of this universe before it is too late?

A co-op where players work together to eliminate nightmares by asking yes or no questions and try to guess all the dreams to win the game. Lose or win as a team. All the illustrations are of different areas of Ho Chi Minh City through a lens of dreams.