Devereaux CountyPlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
45 minutes
  • Area Movement
  • Dice Rolling
  • Hand Management

Devereaux County

It’s beautiful. It’s rural. It’s haunted. A series of grisly murders and mysterious apparitions has torn apart the peaceful countryside of Devereaux County. Now you can take on the role of one of four ghost hunters and rid the county of its restless spirits.

In this Gothic horror boardgame, players select and place haunts to confound their opponents. Then they take on the role of a ghost hunter, uncovering and defeating the haunts placed by the other players. All this happens in the deeply disturbing, yet beautiful and historic, milieu of back-country Devereaux County. With 80 haunts and four relics, play variations are endless!

Not recommended for children under 12, due to dark and twisted themes and flavor text.