Lex SaxonumPlayers
1 - 2
Play Time
180 minutes
  • Area Movement
  • Dice Rolling
  • Movement Points
  • Simulation

Lex Saxonum

Lex Saxonum is a two-player game that simulates the conquest of Saxony by Charlemagne in the last quarter of the VIIIth century. One of the players represents the Carolingians of Austrasia, Hesse, Thuringia and West Friesland, the other player controls the different Saxon tribal federations and their Danish and Frisian allies. The goal of Charlemagne is to integrate Saxony into the Carolingian domain, including through terror and exemplary massacres.
Vae Victis game issue 147

Lex Saxonum
Complexity : 4/10
Solitaire suitability : 2/10
Game turn = one year
A unit = a few hundred men

—description from the publisher