Conquering CorsairsPlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Area Majority / Influence
  • Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
  • Modular Board

Conquering Corsairs

Conquering Corsairs is a card game in which you take the role of pirates, trying to gain gold and reputation to become the most feared and famous ship to sail the Silver Seas. You will take your ship to strange and dangerous locations, recruit new crew members to your cause, do battle with other pirates, and put plunder in your hold!

During the game, players take different actions during each of the four seasons of a turn. In Spring, you play pirates on to the deck of your ship. They will be needed to attack locations and recruit new shipmates in the following seasons. In Summer, you sail your ship between islands in the Silver Seas and can either try to conquer them or explore new locations, looking for plunder. In Fall, you recruit new pirates, taking them from either common supply piles or a personal supply that only you have access to. In Winter, you can stow treasure (cards) in your hold, that will gain you plunder at the end of the game. The Pirate King is also determined in Winter, based on the prestige that each player has obtained from their locations and any powerful pirates still in play.