Day of the Rangers: Somalia 1993Players
2 - 4
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  • Dice Rolling

Day of the Rangers: Somalia 1993

From the publisher website:
"In the early 90s, Somalia was a country in chaos. As civil war raged, warlords carved out their own territories, enforcing their will through militia gangs, while famine compounded the situation. As a joint US–UN mission struggled to maintain order, the warlords began to unite behind Mohamed Farrah Aidid, who was to proclaim himself President of Somalia and embark upon a campaign to force the peacekeepers out of the country. Operations against Aidid and his strongholds intensified, culminating in the famous Operation Gothic Serpent, and the rescue mission to save a downed Black Hawk helicopter carried out by US Rangers and Delta Force operatives."

Day of the Rangers, the latest companion for Force on Force, provides wargamers with all the background, orders of battle, and scenarios they need to immerse themselves in the epic battle for Mogadishu.