Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Villain Strike GamePlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
25 minutes
  • Push Your Luck

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Villain Strike Game

The Power Rangers battle the evil Lord Zedd to save their beloved Angel Grove from being destroyed by Lord Zedd’s evil Space Aliens! Can you stop him?

Players choose to defend the city Angel Grove playing as the Power Rangers or as the evil Lord Zedd and his evil Space Aliens as they battle against each other or as a team! Each player has matching pairs of Character Tokens and three Safety Tokens (which can be used to hide your Character Token from the other player’s view). In addition to these tokens are the Lose a Turn Tokens; players will lose a turn if they knock down these tokens. Each player has two tokens that can make the other player lose a turn.

Game play consists of players sitting 5ft apart from one another and taking turns firing their Battle Weapon. Players try to knock down matching character pairs that are arranged strategically behind the 5ft mark. The first player or team to knock down at least three matching Character Token pairs wins!

Each player gets their evil or good side (Lord Zedd or Power Rangers) Character Tokens and places them strategically arranged behind the 5ft mark. Each Character Token has an individual features a different Power Ranger or the evil Lord Zedd and his evil Space Aliens on them.