Loot the Body!Players
2 - 5
Play Time
40 minutes
  • Action Queue
  • Cooperative Game
  • Hand Management

Loot the Body!

Description from the publisher:

Explore, collect treasures, and change fate with the help of a little magic. Loot the Body! is a strategic family game for 2 - 5 players. Gameplay is a competitive cooperative style with players working together to survive while trying to out do each other and collect the most loot.

Every game is different with a central dungeon built from 36 different cards. Dungeons always include 3 boss monsters and a random selection of 12 other cards.

Players take turns revealing the central dungeon card. All players simultaneously play an action card and draw their hands back up. After all players have placed a card, the Action cards are revealed and effects take place. Players that are last to draw a new card always suffer a small penalty. Monsters that aren't destroyed get to fight back.

Loot the Body is full of fast action and split second decisions that keep everything moving and fun no matter how many times you've played before. The base game also includes some rule variants for players that want even more chaos as they fight to survive and gain loot.