Crisis in the Caucasus: The Russo-Georgian WarPlayers
1 - 2
Play Time
120 minutes
  • Area Majority / Influence
  • Hexagon Grid
  • Simulation

Crisis in the Caucasus: The Russo-Georgian War

Crisis in the Caucasus is based on the 2008 conflict between The Republic of Georgia and The Russian Federation. In this game you will control one of these nations and either fight for the continued sovereignty of Georgia or attempt to reclaim lost territory and remake the Soviet Block. Crisis in the Caucasus is a 1-2 player Hex and Counter wargame that plays anywhere from 90mins-120mins. There are two scenarios featured in the game one that is the historical conflict between these two nations in 2008 and a hypothetical campaign that occurs in the near future, a conflict that could have potential major repercussions for the world and plunge us into World War 3.

The gameplay is fast and uses a pretty innovative damage allocation system. The game plays smooth with the turn allowing both players phases to be able to move units and react to the other players offensives or crush an enemy strongpoint in a combine assault. In the historical scenario the Georgians will be trying to make an assault on the break away province of South Ossetia's vital city before the intervention of the Russian military pours into south Ossetia and puts the Georgians on the defensive. In the hypothetical scenario the game starts off the same but at the beginning of each new turn the initiative player rolls on the event table to see if there is Nato intervention or CSTO intervention, if Azerbaijan joins the fight for the Georgians and how many militia units get spawn in South Ossetia. This allows the player to see what would have happened had nato gotten involved and tried to stop the take over of a prospective nato member.