2 - 2Play Time
0 minutes
- Dice Rolling
- Turn Order: Time Track
Take Root
Congratulations! You all have achieved the dream, you have a farm. The world is nothing but possibility, at least for this next year.
The game takes place over 4 seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter, with each season having 9 days.
—description from the introduction
Take Root was developed as an entry into the Pamphlet Dungeon Jam contest. The game is presented as a six-pane, tri-fold, print-and-play brochure.
The game is played over four turns with each turn containing nine phases. Players may choose and activity for each phase with an outcome determined by die roll. During play, players accumulate an in-game currency (coins) and resources (seeds and harvested vegetables). Points accumulate through play. At the end of the game, each player puts together a "festival display" of harvested vegetables and the winning display scores points. A few other end-of-game categories also score points. The player with the most accumulated points is the winner.
—user summary