Old King ColePlayers
2 - 5
Play Time
0 minutes

Old King Cole

Old King Cole done by both McLoughlin Bros in 1888 and Parker Brothers in 1890. This is a card game in which the cards are divided into 2 suits by means of the number in the corner, those with red numbers forming 1 suit and those with blue numbers forming the second suit. After being shuffled 5 cards are dealt to each player. The reminder of the deck is left face down in the middle of the table. Each player plays a card in turn, the one playing the highest card of the suit lead takes the trick. Each player then takes a card from the deck and adds it to the cards already in his/her hand. The winner of the trick leads the next card. Play continues this way with players taking additional cards after every trick played. After all cards from the deck have been taken play continues with all of the remaing cards until they are all played.

The object of the game is to get sets of cards, such as 3 or 4 Old King Cole Cards of the same suit. Anytime a player has in his hand any of the sets he announces it and can then count it toward his final score. The scoring groups are Any 4 cards consisting of the 4 different cards grouped with (an Old King Cole card, a King Cole Pipe Card, King Cole Bowl Card and Fiddler Card), any 4 OLD KING COLE cards, any 3 OLD KING COLE cards of the same suit. Each grouping of cards score differing amounts of points. Highest total points at the end of the game wins. Info from AGCA Archives.