2 - 4Play Time
0 minutes
- Roll / Spin and Move
The Teen-Time Game
A self-described "game for pre-teen and teen age girls and boys," this game is all about inter-personal relationships. Boys and girls start at the same point on the board and advance using a spinner to determine the number of spaces to move. Depending upon the square on which you land, you may gain points, lose points, receive other information ("Boy meets girl") or instructions ("Advance to mall"). Some squares instruct you to draw a bonus card, which will also give or take away points, grant another turn or deny your next turn, you may even draw the "Engaged" card.
At two different points on the board, the girls' path and the boys' path diverge. Girls, may then land on a square that says, for instance, "Break heel dancing. Lose 1 turn." Boys can suffer no such fate, but can only gain points, lose points, meet girl, break up, etc.
Winner is the first player to reach a pre-determined number of points.