Tri-Gammon / Triplet / TrianglePlayers
1 - 3
Play Time
20 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Tile Placement

Tri-Gammon / Triplet / Triangle

A box with 3 games: Tri-Gammon, Triangle and Triplet. Inside you can find a doublesided board, 28 chips in 4 colours and 2 dice.

Tri-Gammon is an easy to play Backgammon version for 3 players. Every player get 7 chips in one colour and two dice. The board is divided into three parts. Every player throws the two dice and placed his chips in his part of the board (the fields are numbered). After you placed all your chips, you can move one or two chips as far as you throw the dice. If you have 2 or 3 chips on one place, you are save, otherwise one chip can be captured. Who can save all his seven chips in the home first, is the winner.

Triangle is a game of concentration for two players. Put 28 Chips in 4 different colours on the board, but never build an triangle with 3 chips in the same colour.
The board has in the lowest line seven places, in the next line six etc.

Triplet is a solitaire game. It is the same board as Triangle. Place 27 chips on the board, one field is free. Jumping above each other to catch every chip on the board.