2 - 4
Play Time
30 minutes
  • Dice Rolling
  • Roll / Spin and Move


Two to four people may play at the same time. Players go through each phase of the instructional design process in order to complete an educational project for a client. As players go around the board, players must answer questions about each phase of the ADDIE model. The first player to collect 5 tokens, on for each phase of the process, wins.

ADDIE can also be played as a case based / role playing game. To play this way, the instructor substitutes their own questions based on a case scenario for each segment of ADDIE . Players then assume the role of a consultant and answer the context based questions in order to make progress in the game.

Here's how to play ADDIE:

To Begin

* Each player chooses a playing piece and places a game piece on the Kick Off Meeting Space

* Each players rolls the die. The player with highest roll gets to go first

* Play continues to next player clockwise from the first player

To Play

* Players begin their turn by rolling the die. After rolling the die, players place their playing piece on the Start space and move the playing piece clockwise the number of spaces indicated on the die.

* When the player lands on a space, they must answer a question or perform an action.

* As a player moves through the first phase, Analyze, they must collect a "A" token before moving out of the Analyze phase. The player must circle the Analyze phase until they are able to collect a token. After collecting a token, they may move on to the next phase.

* Play stops only when a question has been answered incorrectly or the player's token lands upon a STOP space.

* Play continues until one player manages to collect all five tokens.