Merit: The Catholic GamePlayers
2 - 4
Play Time
0 minutes
  • Open Drafting
  • Roll / Spin and Move

Merit: The Catholic Game

In "Merit", two to four players work to build the six key properties (Church , Convent, Seminary, Catholic Charities, School and Foreign Missions) while maintaining their level of merits (700 points) and obtaining six of the seven sacraments. The first player to return home with the required six sacraments and at least 700 merit points after the six properties are built wins the game.

The question deck is filled with excellent questions related to Catholic belief and practice, and also has cards that offer the player a chance to advance via deeds rather than answers (e.g., a card that allows the player to go to any square if they promise to say the rosary, or pray a Hail Mary, and so on).