Gorilla WarfarePlayers
2 - 2
Play Time
120 minutes
  • Modular Board

Gorilla Warfare

From the White Mask Productions website:

Gorilla Warfare is a primal game of explosive jungle combat. Every player controls a team of four gorillas; armed with bulging muscles, bad tempers, and explosive Banana Grenades. The object? To be the king of the jungle, of course.

"Gorilla Warfare is here and ready to play! The entire game took only 24 hours to create, but I tell you this; it almost ranks up there with Empires in playable fun. I always like moving my Gorillas around like a S.W.A.T. Team. No one can sneak up on you, and if anyone gets too close, all four Gorilla's are just about in equal throwing distance to fry the primate. Of course, this is a bad idea if an enemy has a Class 5 Banana Grenade, as the explosion can wipe out a good part of the play field..."

Outdated link:
View the rules, FAq, etc at http://www.whitemask.com/gorilla/