2 - 2Play Time
30 minutes
A board game that uses components of a checkers set. 22 pieces, 11 per player, and an 8x8 board. Layout: two diagonally opposite corners are labeled "Camps;" a player's counters are arranged in a diagonal pattern guarding his or her camp. (Please note: opening set-up of pieces has been revised.)
Movement: pieces move as a rook in chess. If a piece is making a non-capturing move, it can only move forward, toward the enemy Camp.
Capturing: this is done by moving away from an adjacent enemy counter. So, if at the start of your turn, an enemy piece is next to one of yours, you move away from it in a straight line to capture it.
Winning: the person who gets a counter onto the enemy's Camp wins. (In the extremely rare case in which a player has no legal move but does not occupy the enemy's Camp, then the immobile player loses.)