Focus: Sarà vero?Players
2 - 4
Play Time
15 minutes

Focus: Sarà vero?

Focus: Sarà vero? is a trivia and dexterity game.
A player reads a sentence and pushes the button to spin the wheel. After the wheel stops, all the players make an action and take simoultaneosly a disc with their suction. The action and the disc colour are indicated by the wheel.
For example:
1) the players have to stand up and turn around, or clap their hands.
2) then, if they think the sentence is true, they try to take the discs indicated by the True arrow (for example Red). Otherwise, if they think the sentence is false, they try to take the discs indicated by the False arrow (for example Blue). Because the discs of one colour aren't enough, they have to take them fast.
Who guessed the right disc, can keep it.
The player who first has 5 discs win.

Extended version: the players have to make all the actions written on the discs they won during the previous rounds.