Alien: Invasion RiskPlayers
1 - 1
Play Time
90 minutes
  • Area Majority / Influence
  • Area Movement
  • Critical Hits and Failures
  • Dice Rolling
  • Events
  • Income
  • Movement Points
  • Push Your Luck
  • Random Production
  • Simulation
  • Solo / Solitaire Game
  • Variable Set-up

Alien: Invasion Risk

Publisher Description

YOU are the top-ranked military leader of a strange and warlike alien race - one that could have come straight out of a 1950's sci-fi movie. For reasons better explained in the movie, you have been ordered to conquer the people of the planet Earth. As Supreme Commander of the Terrestrial Invasion Forces, can YOU conquer the capitals of EARTH and return to your Homeworld in VICTORY?

Alien: Invasion Risk (AIR) is a print-and-play solitaire game that began as a set of "variant" rules designed to be used with components from the board game Risk. AIR now has its own set of custom print-and-play components and fully-revised rules, transforming it from a variant to a stand-alone game.

Excerpt from the PDF rules:

Be warned – this is "thematic" solo gaming. Expect to plot your strategy, roll lots of dice, and ride the wave of your luck only to be ripped from the jaws of victory in the most sudden, arbitrary and unexpected way – all in furtherance of the epic unfolding story of an oddball alien race.

If you enjoy a game that focuses on the narrative and takes you on an interesting ride, then AIR is for you. On the other hand, if you prefer a solo game that will always reward your perfect "armchair general" strategy - you’ll just have to cheat!