Fore Par Table GolfPlayers
1 - 4
Play Time
10 minutes
  • Area Movement

Fore Par Table Golf

Bumper Golf is a deluxe version of the carom golf game, you might play at a Parks and Recreation building. The game board depicts an entire 18-hole golf course. Players shoot their 'balls' (wooden disks) from the numbered tee spots and aim for the equivalent numbered 'hole' (cup depression.)

There are two ways to play. In the first version, each player plays each hole one at a time keeping track of his shots. At the end of 18 holes the player with the fewest strokes wins. For a more interactive game, players alternate taking shots, thus allowing chances to block off holes or knock other players balls out of position. In this version the first player to complete the course is the winner.

This original game by World Wide Games would later be republished as Bumper Golf after an acquisition by S&S Worldwide.